The relationship between defense mechanisms and the experience of loneliness in young people who prefer virtual relationships with fictional characters

  • Черемискина Ирина Игоревна

    Irina I. Cheremiskina. Vladivostok State University. Vladivostok. Russia

  • Kseniya A. Kholupova

    Kseniya A. Kholupova Pacific State Medical University Vladivostok. Russia


Abstract. The article presents the results of the study of the correlation between the defense mechanisms and the experience of loneliness among young people who prefer virtual relationships with fictional characters. Such interaction in virtual reality in a certain sense does not correspond to the usual and traditional idea of social partnership. A modern person, who is inclined to choose parasocial relationships with a fictional character, in some way sublimates his/her social disadvantages in an acceptable to him/her space due to the action of such protective mechanisms as substitution and identification. The study involved 180 young people (N = 180). As a result, significant connections between the experiencing of loneliness and pronounced protective mechanisms such as regression, projection, and reactive formation have been
identified. The internal tension and acute experiences associated with loneliness among these young people are compensated by simplifying their needs and motives, moving to earlier stages of libido, which determines the described preferences, attributing positive, romantic feelings and emotions to fictional characters. The obtained data can be used in psycho-consultative practice as well as in psychotherapy for better
understanding the client’s problem connected with negative existential experiences and improving his psychological support.
Keywords: loneliness, virtual relationship, fictional characters, defense mechanism.